Audio and phoneTeleconferencing
Gentner TI 7200 Telephone Interface

The TI7200 Teleconferencing Interface is the key component in any teleconferencing application that requires the highest level of sound quality. It is ideally suited for conducting audio teleconferencing calls over the telephone network or providing the audio interface for video teleconferencing installations.
As the center of the teleconferencing installation, microphone mixers, power amplifiers, telephone lines, and video CODECs all directly connect to the TI7200. Its versatility lets you define the components you need for your application.
- Two wire/telephone or four wire/video operation
- 192 millisecond echo cancellation span
- 7 kHz frequency response
- Bridge connection for multiple location conferencing
- RS232 port for custom remote control systems
- 100% digital audio processing
- Completely full duplex operation